Sunday, November 6, 2016

Selamanya Tapahku Tapah, Heyy!!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Okayy sekarang ni aku dah start cuti semester and begin to feel the effects of lifelessness...Huaaa :'(
For your information, ini dah cuti semester yang ketiga, on the way to fourth semester (total semua ada lima semester in my programme). So far, there are ups and downs during the period but yeah, I am still alive :') Haha...

You know, I haven't tell you guys how's UiTM Tapah is like. Hurm, it is awesome!!! Kampus ni adalah kampus baru so there are so much new facilities nak banding dengan UiTM lain, terumatamanya dari segi struktur bangunan yang modern. Yeah, masa mula-mula jejak kaki kat UiTM Tapah ni memang in awe...sbb sgt cantik and proper...and bersih of course.

Isn't it beautiful?...
UiTM Tapah definitely have its picturesque view, especially after hujan, sunrise and sunset :D

This is my room :D...I got a two-person room (Ada dua jenis bilik : 4-person and 2-person room)
Most of UiTM use a house system. This campus use a room system instead, which means the toilets are outside of the room :)

Aesthetic monument for you to shit on...okk joking :D

Proper eh???...

That building is the faculty! Haaa...disebabkan kampus ni kecil so kalau nak kemana-mana mmg senang dicapai dengan kaki...hahaha...tapi kalau rasa diri tu malas nak berjalan, yeah, you can ride a tricycle :) 

Okay this is a view from the boys dorm...
And NO...I don't sneak into the boys dorm to take this picture..duuuhh

After a rain, there comes a rainbow :)

Okay, let me tell you some info abt UiTM Tapah

1. There are mainly three faculty; 
    Fakulti Sains Komputer & Matematik 
     - Diploma in Computer Science
     - Diploma in Statistics
     - Diploma in Actuarial Science
     - Diploma in Mathematical Science
     - Bachelor Degree in Computer Science (New)

   Fakulti Perakaunan 
    - Diploma Perakaunan
    - Diploma Sistem Maklumat Perakaunan

   Fakulti Sains Gunaan
   - Diploma Sains

2. There are three residents (or colleges); Alpha & Beta (Siswi), Gamma (Siswa)
   *you are very lucky if you're a siswi :)

3. It is divided in two phase; Phase 1 (Zeta) - Old building and Gamma, Phase 2 - modern building 

There are much things abt this campus but I guess this is enough for now (my hands are already tired actually). If you are admitted here, welcome and discover more about the place yourself :)

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Korean Drama Crushes! =^_^=

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. kalians...

Aku bukanlah peminat tegar korean wave ni tapi aku adelah layan sikit-sikit macam korean drama and variety show. Haha, for this post aku nak fokuskan on my korean drama crushes...Tadaaaaaa...

1. Hyun Bin (teeheee :D)

Handsome kaaann???!!!

Dia mula jadi crush aku bila aku tgk drama Secret Garden mse form 3 (2012). 
Selalunya bila balik je dari sekolah terus buka astro Prima nak tgk cerita ni and adore this really cute and masculine man! huuaaaa!!! *selalunya mamat-mamat korea ni sgt jambu but this one is an exception
Aku tahu aku ni agak lewat sikit dari orang. Apelaa...cerita ni dr 2010 tau tak?? baru nak layan kee??? Yup!
Cerita ni jugaklaa bermulanya era keminatan aku dalam korean drama...hihi
Aku tarik juga mak aku untuk tengok cerita ni. Haha, aku igt aku jelaa yg gila dgn dia ni rupa-rupanya mak aku poonn weh! Lagi gila dari aku...HAHAHA!

2. Lee Min Ho  :') 


Selepas aku dh move on dgn Hyun Bin, I have this major crush on this guy. Teka cerita apa aku start ada crush kat dia???
With his curly hair and beautiful smile boleh buat aku cair in an instant bebeh!
Actually, sebelum aku tgk BOF ni aku dh tgk cerita City Hunter tapi aku rasa dia biasa-biasa je kat dalam drama tu.
But in BOF!!!....Kenapa handsome sangat?????!!!!!!! I kennod!!
On my opinion cerita BOF ni cerita yg tak berapa nak logik sgt but dgn kehenseman Lee MinHo dalam drama tu membuat aku terpana. Haishhhhhhhhhhh


Baru aku sedar....
I only have two major korean drama crushes...LOL!

Ok, aku byk je layan korean drama but takde yg dpt menambat hati aku mcm dua orang ni...hahahaha
Sekarang pun aku dh move on dgn dua2 ni..( eceh, move on bhaii!!! )

Currently, aku dh tak layan mana2 korean drama disebabkan there are too many works needed to be done sejak2 masuk universiti ni. Aku hanya melangok tgk gelagat rumet aku melayan drama korean je. hahaha...ok sekian ;)